It's with both pride & pleasure to welcome all our members to 21-22 Season. We want to state our ambition to grow and develop our youth teams under the leadership of Jerermie T as youth development officer
. I am confident that with the support of our Head Coach Shingi Mashanga and the entire coaching team, we will continue to grow and develop within our community.
This year, like every other year, we have exciting programs and projects which need funding and we always welcome sponsorship from companies who are aligned to our ethos and goals. If you feel that your company could partner with us, then let us know. email info@afclewisham.com
Finally I would like to thank all of those unsung heroes of the club who give of their time and services freely to our cause, be it, taking a shovel to clearing rubbish for the new clubhouse or offering free advice. These acts of solidarity and commitment allow us to grow and develop.
As a club we are committed to developing AFC Lewisham into a football powerhouse in the long term and developing hand in hand with our community.
I wish everyone another successful season and a very warm welcome to AFCL